Depending on your location and your RV type, you may receive a request where the hirer wants to go on a higher-risk trip i.e. off-road, long-term, long-distance, etc. 

You are the owner, it's your RV and the expert regarding where it can go from a functional perspective and a permission perspective. If you don't feel comfortable or the RV isn't capable, just say no. There is no penalty for declining a booking.

If you agree to a high-risk booking, you will have to take responsibility for the consequences.

If you allow High-Risk bookings, consider:

  1. Question your hirer and be clear on their capabilities.
  2. Investigate their itinerary. You'll want to know exactly where the hirer plans to take the van. Nominate the safe zones and the exclusion zones. 
  3. Is the financial return of the booking worth the risk to you? 
  4. Consider charging an extra fee for the additional wear and tear you'll likely sustain from a higher-risk trip. An 'outback fee' or something similar is not unusual on Camplify.  
  5. Have a clear, written consent/agreement with the hirer within the booking request.
  6. Consider the coverage aspects of your insurance policy. Are you covered for any aspect of off-road? What will the hirer be covered for in the event that off-road damage occurs? 
  7. If only a portion of the hirer's trip plans to be in a high-risk area, urge them to drop the caravan off somewhere safe, then continue with the tow-vehicle --staying in a tent or alternative accommodation until it is safe to begin towing again. 
  8. Install a GPS tracker to your RV to ensure that it can be tracked down and recovered easily if something did go wrong. You can also set up 'geofencing barriers' to alert you of possible breaches in your hire agreement. 
  9. If you're ever unsure about a booking request, please call Camplify support on 1300 416 133 for some further advice.

FAQ - Wear and Tear