Camplify will supply a Tax / EOFY statement at the end of the financial year we release a statement of your account on your Camplify Dashboard.

In 2020 the Statements will be added to your Camplify Dashboard from July 31st

We have sent you an email notification to let you know yours is ready.

How to find your EOFY statement;

  1. Login to your Camplify account
  2. Click on your profile image
  3. A drop down will appear, click "Tax statements"
  4. You will then be able to see all EOFY's since you have been a Camplify owner.
  5. You can "View" or "Download" your statement

What about RV's or accounts that are no longer active? 

Yes, we will release statements for these RVs too.

What information will you provide?

The statement covers any payments made to owners in the 2019-20 Financial year, including deposits.

The Rental Income amount is before listing fees and insurance fees are deducted.