Camplify has manually set up your GPS and have tested the SIM, Battery and set up a link between Camplify and Telematics before sending to you.

Sometimes, we make mistakes and some of them are easy to fix. We will help you.

I can't log in to Telematics?

  1. Login your Camplify dashboard
  2. Click on your profile photo
  3. A drop down will appear, click "GPS Tracking"
  4. A pop up will open from Telematics (GPS Provider)
  5. You can also go directly to -
  6. Try your existing Camplify username + password

  7. If you can't log in - Reset your password
  8. Click 'Forgot your password' button on the login page
  9. A new screen will appear and you need to type in your email address to be sent a reset password option to your Camplify email 
  10. Click "continue"

I've reset but I still can't log in to Telematics?

We may have made an error when we signed you up, please call us and ask for the login information to be reset by the GPS Team. 

My asset isn't showing?

If you go to "Live Tracking" and you can't see something like this - then your RV hasn't been linked correctly. 

You will be unable to login to "Manage Assets" as this is reserved for Camplify admin, as this is where we manually set up your RV.

Unfortunately, It would appear there is a Camplify error that isn't allowing you to see your RV.

How to add an asset?

  1. Please call 1300 416 133 and ask for the GPS Team.