Camplify is a peer to peer platform which allows the individual owners to select times that suit their circumstances. We also take into account every hirer will also have a set of requirements depending on destination, distance, and potential Check-In/Check-Out times imposed by caravan parks or site providers.

Camplify operates on a per-day rate.

Owners and hirers are asked to find a suitable time during the day to collect and return the vehicle. 

Our Insurance covers a 24 hour period and hirers are charged the full 24 hours, no matter the hours used.

You will see that on the booking, that the exact time is to be decided, this time is selected by the owner and hirer. 


What if you need to amend the booking?

Many hirers wish to collect the vehicle prior to their trip and maximize the day rental while also returning the vehicle later in the afternoon/ evening when they return from the holiday.

If you require the vehicle the night before your trip please notify the owner on your initial request and discuss rates. If you have already paid for the booking you will need to call the Customer Service Team on 1300 416 133 to ensure your booking dates reflect your insurance. 

FAQ - How do I make a booking with Camplify?

FAQ - Can I pick up the van early? Or return it late?

FAQ - How do I amend the Booking dates/ price?

If you have any questions about your situation please call us on 1300 416 133.